
Trip of Wonders: Raja Ampat the Heavenly Paradise


It is no exaggeration that Raja Ampat is a dreamland which undisputable beauty speaks for it. Comprise of more than 1500 islands just off Sorong, Raja Ampat Islands presents otherworldly scenery of steep, lush jungle-covered islands, serene white-sand beaches, treasured lagoons, and pellucid turquoise water. It was very fortunate for our influencers that they were invited to enjoy this paradise. Now, it’s your turn to follow their steps and take a glimpse of the stunning wonders of the mighty Raja Ampat!


Mansuar Island

Image by herosdem

A must-go favorite place to visit during your trip to Raja Ampat would definitely be the beautiful Mansuar Island. How can it not with the large range of colorful corals you can admire in their many diving spots? Filled with the peaceful atmosphere among the lush trees or exploring the underwater mysteries below, this island is perfect for the most excited adventurers and even for  those looking for a piece of serenity. The best resorts are also located in this island to rest after a great day of exploring.

Image by juusohd

With its clear blue waters, you’ll have a great chance of seeing the wide range of marine life that’ll greet you during your adventurous snorkeling or diving trip. The underwater world of Raja Ampat is truly wonderful that the colorful corals can even be seen from 10 meters deep and the deeper you dive, the more unique the environment is. In short, it doesn’t matter if you’re just learning to dive or already an expert, you will find beauty in your underwater journey!

Pasir Timbul

Image by spathumpa

Translated as “Rising Sand”, Pasir Timbul is a small serene body of sand in the middle of the sea and only appears when the sea water is receding. This spot is one of the most favorite highlight to take instagrammable pictures. Our Trip of Wonders influencers were beyond excited to enjoy such a peaceful ambience here in Pasir Timbul and took some epic pictures to remember. Pasir Timbul are blessed with beautiful background of clear waters, blue skies and white sandy beaches. The perfect holiday shot indeed!


Snorkeling in Friwen

Image by ahmed.erdem

You’ll truly believe that heaven is a place on earth when visiting the petite island residing in South Waigeo District, known as the heavenly Friwen. Praised for its nautical beauty and acknowledged by many travelers that had visited the island, Friwen is known to be one of the best snorkeling spots in Raja Ampat. Not only does it have extra clear visibility, the sea current near the wall is normally calm thus letting you swim around in comfort.

Image by zeppaio

Here, you can immerse in the exceptionally pristine and healthy coral reefs and also meet many different types of fishes. Plus, the island is also perfect for underwater photography. Trip of Wonders influencers were super excited to visit this spot known for its exquisite underwater beauty and peaceful beach sides. The Friwen beach have amazing blue hues and pearly white beach, with some food stalls that you can visit to enjoy wholesome lunch and fresh coconut! The warm island life is even more heartwarming with the children playing and giggling right by the beach.

Kabui Bay

Located in Waigeo Island not too far from the capital of Raja Ampat, Waisai, at Kabui Bay you can have a good look at the crystal-clear turquoise water, filled with vibrant coral reefs. The rock formation around there is filled with rich greeneries that are definitely pleasing to the eyes. Some can even be climbed by stairs, so you can truly enjoy the charming beauty of the bay from heights.

Batu Pensil

Image by furstset

Right around Kabui Bay, you can witness the glory of a giant rock formation standing upon the pristine water of the bay. Named Batu Pensil, which literally means 'pencil rock', the rock formation actually doesn't really resemble a pencil. Due to weather and climate, the original shape has changed so much since its discovery. Like any other coral island in Kabui Bay, Batu Pensil has also been listed in the World’s Geopark Site.




Mostly working as fishermen and traditional farmers, the original people of West Papua still live a traditional life and eats food prepared in a traditional way. The staple foods are rice, sago, taro roots and kau kau accompanied by seafood and many other kinds of meat and vegetables. One of the most popular dishes you can find in Raja Ampat is Papeda which is one great traditional delicacy. It is made from sago flour base and widely popular among the coastal people and thus can be found easily in Raja Ampat. This sago flour is then poured with hot water and stirred until thickness is similar to glue. This is then normally accompanied by fish dishes cooked with yellow spice or a sour flavor and it is even sometimes added with chili that’ll enhance the great taste of it even more. You should really try this exotic dish to have a little taste of the island’s best traditional delicacies.


Telaga Bintang

Image by s_marga

Prepare your heart to the charming Telaga Bintang or translated as “Star Lake”. This spectacular lagoon is surrounded by towering rocks and is shaped as a star if seen from a certain angle. This beauty can only be admired by true adventurers as reaching it is not easy. As soon as you alight from your boat you will be welcomed by a steep climbing trip up. The effort is tough but only takes 5 minutes to reach the peak where you can admire Telaga Bintang’s true wonders wrapped in Tosca colored waters and magnificent coral hills that circle around it. Trip of Wonders influencers take turns to climb up with other visitors of this lake, because the peak can only host a few people at a time.


Image by wander_travel_explore

The most epic viewpoint you can find is right here in Piaynemo Raja Ampat, famous with the clusters of karst islands and their refreshing blue waters. Located only 10 minutes away from Telaga Bintang, Pianemo also requires a good hike before savoring its epic view. Although not as steep as hiking to the peak of Telaga Bintang, you still have to climb hundreds of steps to reach the peak of Piaynemo. Don’t worry because along the way you will be accompanied by the beautiful nature of trees, fresh air and even some benches to take a small break between the stairs. Taking a picture at the peak should be on your to-do list because it perfectly summarize your wonderful trip to Raja Ampat, because Piaynemo is also considered as the “miniature of Raja Ampat.” Don’t forget to respect the courtesy of taking the pictures at this famous spot and to always be mindful of your own safety. Please do not sit, stand, walk or jump over the wooden railing that fenced the viewing platform, and to take turns in getting that instagrammable shot.


Image by jamesrelfdyer

After enjoying all the natural delights, it’s time to blend with the locals and immerse with the modest beauty within the Arborek Village. Trip of Wonders were warmly greeted with the locals who wore traditional Papuan costume and ready with their traditional music instrument. They dance, sing and smile among the rejuvenating atmosphere of the sea breeze. Apart from the formation of coconut trees and bushes that will give you the feelings of comfort, the village also offers gazebos for relaxation and wooden pier for a clearer viewpoint to the ocean. The houses look simple and traditional and the people are very friendly. Moreover, those of you who yearns for more underwater excitements can jump right from the jetty and maybe if you are lucky, you will meet some dugong, manta rays, corals, or barracudas swimming around!
Raja Ampat still store a lot more beauty when you have more time to explore. It is indeed a slice of paradise at the eastern part of Indonesia that you must visit in this lifetime!