Kota Gede
The Center of Yogyakarta's Silver Industry
Kota Gede is a suburb of the city of Yogyakarta. The town is a maze of narrow streets, lined with tiny, traditional silversmith shops and mosaic-tiled houses, once the homes of the aristocracy and royal merchants. Kota Gede is a great place to come and take a slow wander round. This precinct is now most famous as the center of Yogyakarta’s silver industry.

There are a number of workshops where visitors can stop by and watch silversmiths at work and see the remarkable way they can transform a piece of silver into a beautiful work of art. Yogyakarta silver distinguishes itself by its embossment and contrasting black on white silver. The best are made of sterling silver. Kota Gede produces beautiful silver tea sets, bracelets and necklaces, and fine filigree brooches. For those who like to shop, come here and browse (or maybe buy) some handcrafted silver.

Get There
Kota Gede can be easily reached by bus, taxi or car. If you prefer traditional modes of transport, try an Andong, a four-wheeled horse-drawn cart that is common on the streets of Yogyakarta.