
The Story behind the “Trip of Wonders”


As the largest archipelago in the world comprising of over 17,000 large and small islands, Indonesia is blessed with an abundance of enchanting wonders that will indulge every senses. Straddling across the equator and stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean, anyone visiting Indonesia would find Mother Nature’s greatest masterpieces, welcomed by the warm and friendly people with fascinating indigenous culture as well as traditions that are preserved throughout the generations, as well as some of the most mind-blowing monuments of human civilizations. Thus, it not surprising that many people refers the Indonesian Archipelago as pieces of paradise on earth or the ultimate destination that anyone can ever dream of.

Through the “Trip of Wonders”, the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia have been sharing this magical wonder to the rest of the world by travelers from around the world to experience firsthand the wonders of Indonesia by conducting a journey to the many destinations across the archipelago. Beginning in 2016, the “Trip of Wonders” aims to introduce the five wonders which are the embodiment of the country, namely: (i) Nature, Scenic Landscape, and Wildlife; (ii) Arts, Culinary, and Heritage; (iii) Culinary and Wellness; (iv) Recreation and Leisure; and (v) Adventure. The experience varies from divine tropical beaches, heartwarming local traditions, inspiring art performances, exquisite cuisine and handicrafts, to majestic mountainous landscape.

Travel bloggers and influencers from different parts of the world are directly invited to have firsthand experience to enjoy the abundant wonders of Indonesia and share the experience with their follower across multiple social media platforms. Nevertheless, aside from travel bloggers and influencers, other travelers are also given the opportunity to experience a trip to the world of wonders through the “Trip of Wonders” Quiz. The “Trip of Wonders” Quiz is open for the general public and the winners will win a trip of their lifetime to the various amazing destinations across the archipelago.

In its inaugural edition, the “Trip of Wonders” successfully unveiled the enchanting splendors of Jakarta, Bintan, Labuan Bajo (Komodo National Park), Bali, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Lombok, Bandung, Raja Ampat, and other places across Indonesia to the quiz winners and travel influencers from several countries. Thirty of the most popular influencers from Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and India, as well as 10 of Indonesia’s top travel influencers, along with the quiz winners were spoiled with the wonders that they had found in their destinations, in which the trip was divided into two batches. Moreover, the trip was praised by participants and “Trip of Wonders 2016” won the Digital Marketing Campaign Category in the Indonesia Brand Campaign of the Year 2017.

In the following year of 2017, the number of international influencers participating in the “Trip of Wonders” grew to 40 participants. Divided based on the themes of Indonesia’s Five Wonders (Natural Wonders, Cultural Wonders, Sensory Wonders, Modern Wonders, and Adventurous Wonders), travelers and quiz winners were again taken to some of the most enchanting destinations across the country, comprising of two batches in each Wonder. These included the habitat of Orangutans in the Tanjung Puting National Park in Central Kalimantan, the beguiling Mount Bromo in East Java, Central Java’s cultural cities of Solo and Semarang, the highlands of Toraja in South Sulawesi, dive to the underwater splendors around Komodo National Park, West Sumatera’s capital of Padang, and a whole lot more.

This year, the exceptional trip will again take place with more destinations and all its astonishing wonders unveiled to the world. More than just a mean of tourism promotion, the “Trip of Wonders” is expected to provide better knowledge and lasting impressions of Wonderful Indonesia, as a harmonious multicultural country with numerous ethnic groups, religions, customs, traditions as well as an abundance of natural attractions. The journey will not only provide unforgettable memories of harmony in diversity but also inspire others to come and truly experience the wonderful Indonesia Experience.