Car Rental

Going to Bali or Java? Read these New PPKM Regulations first!

According to the Instructions of the Minister of Internal Affairs No. 63 of 2021, the implementation of Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1 Community Restrictions (PPKM Level 3, 2, dan 1) across several regions in Java - Bali is extended until 13 December 2021.

There are some areas which have been granted PPKM level reduction.

Here are the cities and regencies in Java that will implement the extension of Level 3 Community Restrictions:

  1. Banten
    1. Cilegon City
    2. Serang Regency
    3. Pandeglang Regency
    4. Lebak Regency
    5. Serang City
  2. West Java
    1. Kuningan Regency
    2. Cirebon Regency
  3. Central Java
    1. Pemalang Regency
    2. Jepara Regency
  4. East Java
    1. Situbondo Regency
    2. Ponorogo Regency
    3. Bondowoso Regency
    4. Sumenep Regency
    5. Sampang Regency
    6. Pamekasan Regency
    7. Nganjuk Regency
    8. Jember Regency
    9. Bangkalan Regency


Here are the cities and regencies in Java and Bali that will implement the Level 2 Community Restrictions:

  1. Banten
    1. South Tangerang City
    2. Tangerang Regency
    3. Tangerang City
  2. Jakarta Special Capital Region
    1. Thousand Islands Administrative District
    2. West Jakarta
    3. East Jakarta
    4. South Jakarta
    5. North Jakarta
    6. Central Jakarta
  3. West Java
    1. Sukabumi City
    2. Sukabumi Regency
    3. Bogor City
    4. Bandung City
    5. Depok City
    6. Cimahi City
    7. Bekasi City
    8. Tasikmalaya City
    9. Karawang Regency
    10. Bekasi Regency
    11. West Bandung Regency
    12. Sumedang Regency
    13. Tasikmalaya Regency
    14. Majalengka Regency
    15. Purwakarta Regency
    16. Indramayu Regency
    17. Cianjur Regency
    18. Ciamis Regency
    19. Bogor Regency
    20. West Bandung Regency
    21. Bandung Regency
    22. Subang Regency
    23. Garut Regency
  4. Central Java
    1. Wonosobo Regency
    2. Wonogiri Regency
    3. Temanggung Regency
    4. Tegal Regency
    5. Sukoharjo Regency
    6. Sragen Regency
    7. Rembang Regency
    8. Purworejo Regency
    9. Purbalingga Regency
    10. Pati Regency
    11. Magelang Regency
    12. Kudus Regency
    13. Surakarta City
    14. Pekalongan City
    15. Klaten Regency
    16. Kebumen Regency
    17. Karanganyar Regency
    18. Cilacap Regency
    19. Banyumas Regency
    20. Banjarnegara Regency
    21. Pekalongan Regency
    22. Brebes Regency
    23. Boyolali Regency
    24. Blora Regency
    25. Batang Regency
  5. Special Region of Yogyakarta
    1. Sleman Regency
    2. Bantul Regency
    3. Yogyakarta City
    4. Kulonprogo Regency
    5. Gunungkidul Regency
  6. East Java
    1. Tulungagung Regency
    2. Trenggalek Regency
    3. Pacitan Regency
    4. Ngawi Regency
    5. Madiun Regency
    6. Lumajang Regency
    7. Probolinggo City
    8. Malang City
    9. Batu City
    10. Kediri Regency
    11. Blitar Regency
    12. Tuban Regency
    13. Probolinggo Regency
    14. Pasuruan Regency
    15. Malang Regency
    16. Bojonegoro Regency
  7. Bali
    1. Bangli Regency
    2. Karangasem Regency
    3. Badung Regency
    4. Gianyar Regency
    5. Klungkung Regency
    6. Tabanan Regency
    7. Buleleng Regency
    8. Denpasar City
    9. Jembrana Regency


Lastly, here are the cities and regencies that will implement the Level 1 Community Restrictions:

  1. West Java
    1. Pangandaran Regency
    2. Banjar City
    3. Cirebon City
  2. Central Java
    1. Tegal City
    2. Magelang City
    3. Semarang City
    4. Demak Regency
    5. Salatiga Regency
    6. Semarang Regency
    7. Kendal Regency
    8. Grobogan Regency
  3. East Java
    1. Sidoarjo Regency
    2. Magetan Regency
    3. City of Surabaya
    4. Mojokerto City
    5. Madiun City
    6. Kediri City
    7. Blitar City
    8. Jombang Regency
    9. Banyuwangi Regency
    10. Mojokerto Regency
    11. Lamongan Regency
    12. Pasuruan City
    13. Gresik Regency


The details of the Level 3 Restrictions on Community Activities regulations in Java & Bali are as follows:

  • Teaching and learning activities (schools, colleges, academies and training) are carried out in a limited face-to-face activity to a maximum capacity of 50 percent, except for SDLB, SMPLB, SMLB or the like with a maximum capacity of 62-100 percent with the distance of students in class at least 1.5 -5 meters, while for the maximum PAUD level of 33 percent with the distance of students in class 1.5-5 meters and a maximum of 5 students.
  • The implementation of activities in the non-essential sector is allowed to do WFO by only 25% (twenty five percent) of office capacity for employees who have been vaccinated. Employees are required to use the PeduliLindungi mobile app to enter and exit the office area.
  • The implementation of activities in the essential sector can operate with a 50% limit from the maximum capacity. The government will exercise a health protocol implementation for export and domestic orientation companies determined by the Ministry of Industry by obliging the employees to download and install PeduliLindungi application on their mobile phone for screening purposes.
  • The critical sectors can operate 100% by applying a strict health protocol.
  • The implementation of construction activities for public infrastructure (construction sites and project locations) operates 100% by applying a strict health protocol.
  • Domestic travelers who use airplane must present:
    • Vaccine cards/certificates (minimum first dose) and negative RT-PCR result with sample taken within a maximum period of 3 x 24 hours before departure, or
    • Vaccine cards/certificates (second dose of vaccination) and negative Rapid Antigen result, with sample taken within a maximum of 1 x 24 hours before departure.
    • Exemption of presenting vaccine cards/certificates applies to:
      • Travelers under 12 years age, and
      • Travelers with specific health conditions
    • The two provisions above only apply to the arrival and departure from and to Java and Bali and do not apply to transportation in the agglomeration region as an example for the Jabodetabek area.
    • Logistic vehicle drivers and other transportations are excluded from the provisions of showing a COVID-19 vaccine card.
  • Supermarkets, traditional markets, and grocery stores that sell daily needs are limited by operating hours until 20:00 local time with 50% visitors capacity.
  • Pharmacies and drug stores can open 24 hours. Traditional markets that sell daily necessities can operate with a maximum capacity of 50% with operating hours until 15:00 local time.
  • Sports, art, and cultural activities that can cause a temporary crowd are prohibited, except:
    • Sports activities that are carried out in open spaces (outdoor) both individually or a small group of maximum 4 people with no physical contact with others and no routine interaction between individuals at close range will be carried out by applying a strict health protocol
    • Sports facilities in open space are permitted to open with 50% limit of maximum capacity
    • Masks must be used by visitors and participant except for the type of sport required to remove the mask
    • Every visitor must check the temperature when entering sports facilities
    • Cafetaria inside sports facilities are not permitted to serve dine/in
    • Supporting facilities such as lockers, VIP rooms, and baths should not be used except toilet access
    • Visitors are banned from gathering before and after exercise
    • Visitors must use the PeduliLindungi app for screening
  • Restaurants, small hawkers, and street food stalls: 60-minute time limit for each visitor & opening hours from 18.00 until 00.00 local time with no more than 50% of maximum occupancy.
  • Cinema can operate with the following conditions:
    • Visitors and employees must download PeduliLindungi app on their mobile phone for screening purposes
    • A maximum capacity of 50% (fifty percent) and only visitors with green category status in PeduliLindungi can be allowed to enter
    • <12 years old visitors are prohibited from entering cinema
    • It is prohibited to eat and drink or sell foods and drinks in the cinema area
    • Visitors and employees must strictly follow the health protocol from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and Ministry of Health
    • List of companies that will participate in this trial are determined by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
  • Shopping centers/malls: maximum capacity 25% & opening hours until 17.00 local time. Children under 12 (twelve) years is prohibited from entering except in DKI Jakarta Province, Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, South Tangerang City, Bogor City, Kota Bekasi, Depok City, Bogor Regency, Bekasi Regency, Bandung City, Yogyakarta City, and Surabaya City provided that it was accompanied by parents. Visitors must bring their COVID-19 vaccination letter as well as have the PeduliLindungi app installed on their mobile phone upon entering the shopping center.
  • Worship activities in places of worship (mosques, churches, temples, and others) can be carried out with a maximum capacity of 50%.
  • Health protocol trials will be exercised for tourist attractions with the following conditions:
    • Must follow the health protocol regulated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Ministry of Health
    • Employees and visitors must use PeduliLindungi mobile app for screening purpose
    • Children under 12 (twelve) years are prohibited from entering tourist attractions
    • List of tourist attractions that will take part in this trial is determined by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
    • Odd - Even plate number regulation will be implemented along the road to and from the location of tourist attractions starting Friday at 12:00 to Sunday at 18.00 local time
  • Fitness centers and gyms are permitted to open with visitors limited to 25% of the maximum capacity and must apply a strict health protocol.
  • Health protocol implementation trial will be exercised for certain tourist attractions with the following conditions:
    • Following the health protocol regulated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as well as the Ministry of Health
    • All visitors and employees must use the PeduliLindungi app for screening purposes
    • Children under 12 (twelve) years are prohibited from entering tourist attractions
    • List of tourist attractions that will take part in this trial is determined by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
    • Odd - Even Plate Number Regulations will be implemented along the road to and from the location of tourist attractions starting Friday at 12.00 to Sunday at 18.00 local time
  • Wedding receptions: allowed but the number of visitors are limited to 25% of the maximum capacity and prohibited to eat at the venue
  • Public transportations: maximum capacity 70% and must apply strict health protocols, including requirement to have the PeduliLindungi app installed on mobile phones.


In the implementation of the rules of PPKM Level 2, there are regulatory strives compared to levels 3, as follows:

  1. The implementation of learning can be done through limited face-to-face learning and/or distance learning. Limited face-to-face learning activity must comply with a maximum capacity of 50 percent.
  2. The operating hours of supermarkets, traditional markets, and grocery stores that sell daily necessities are limited to 21:00 local time with a visitor capacity of 75 percent.
  3. Food stalls and street hawkers are permitted to open with a strict health protocol until 20:00 local time. Maximum visitor numbers will be limited to 50% of the capacity. Each visitor will be given a maximum 30 minutes dine-in duration.
  4. Shopping centers/malls: maximum capacity 50% & opening hours until 21.00 local time. Children under 12 (twelve) years are allowed to enter but must be accompanied by parents. Visitors must bring their COVID-19 vaccination letter as well as have the PeduliLindungi app installed on their mobile phone upon entering the shopping center.
  5. Public facilities (public areas, parks, tourist attractions and other public areas) are opened with number of visitors limited to 25% of maximum capacity by applying:
    • Following the health protocol regulated by the Ministry of Health and/or related institutions
    • Visitors and employees must download PeduliLindungi app on their mobile phone for screening purposes
    • Children under 12 years are allowed to enter tourist attractions that have used PeduliLindungi application but must be accompanied by parents
    • Odd-even plate number application along the road to and from the location of tourist attractions are applied starting Friday at 12:00 to Sunday at 18.00 local time
  6. Places of worship can hold worship/religious activities in congregation during the time of implementing PPKM Level 2 with the number of visitors limited to 50% of maximum capacity or equal to 50 people.
  7. Public transportation such as public vehicles, mass transportation, taxis, and rental vehicles are allowed to operate with a maximum capacity of 100 percent by applying a strict health protocol.
  8. Implementation of wedding receptions can be held with a maximum of 50 invitations. Dine-in activities are prohibited.
  9. Cinema can operate with the following conditions:
    • Visitors and employees must download PeduliLindungi app on their mobile phone for screening purposes
    • A maximum capacity of 70% (fifty percent) and only visitors with green category status in PeduliLindungi can be allowed to enter
    • <12 years old visitors are allowed to enter cinema but must be accompanied by parents
    • It is prohibited to eat and drink or sell foods and drinks in the cinema area
    • Visitors and employees must strictly follow the health protocol from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and Ministry of Health
    • List of companies that will participate in this trial are determined by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
  10. Domestic travelers must present the certificate of at least the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and the negative result of COVID-19 antigen test for private car transportation modes, motorbikes, trains and sea ships maximum 1x24 hours before departure. Those traveling by airplanes must present the certificate of at least the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and the negative results of RT-PCR swab test maximum 2x24 hours before departure.
  11. Wedding receptions: allowed but the number of visitors are limited to 50% of the maximum capacity and prohibited to eat at the venue


In the implementation of the rules of PPKM Level 1, there are regulatory strives compared to levels 2 and 3, as follows:

  1. Teaching and learning activities (schools, colleges, academies, and training) are carried out in a limited face-to-face activity to 50% of maximum capacity, except for SDLB, SMPLB, SMLB or the likes having 62-100% of maximum capacity with the students implementing at least 1,5 meters distance and a maximum of 5 students in a class. Whereas the level of PAUD is limited to 33% of maximum capacity with the students at least implementing 1,5 meters distance and a maximum of 5 students in a class.
  2. The implementation of activities in the non-essential sector is imposed by 75% work from office (WFO) for employees who have been vaccinated and use PeduliLindungi mobile app for screening purposes.
  3. Traditional markets, supermarkets, and grocery stores that sell daily necessities can operate with 100% of maximum capacity.
  4. Food stalls and street hawkers that sell goods other than daily necessities can open until 18.00 local time with the number of visitors limited to 75% of maximum capacity.
  5. Supermarket visitors must use PeduliLindungi mobile app for screening purposes starting 14 September 2021.
  6. Cinemas can operate with the following conditions:
    • Employees and visitors must use PeduliLindungi mobile app for screening purpose
    • The number of visitors are limited to 70% (fifty percent) of maximum capacity and only visitors with the green category in PeduliLindungi mobile app can enter.
    • <12 years old visitors are allowed to enter cinema but must be accompanied by parents
    • Restaurants and cafes operating in the cinema area are permitted to serve dine-in with the number of visitors limited to 75% of maximum capacity and meal time limited to 60 minutes only
    • Follow the health protocol regulated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Ministry of Health.
    • List of companies that will take part in this trial are determined by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
  7. Public facilities (public areas, parks, tourist attractions and other public areas) are opened with number of visitors limited to 75% of maximum capacity by applying:
    • Following the health protocol regulated by the Ministry of Health and/or related institutions
    • Visitors and employees must download PeduliLindungi app on their mobile phone for screening purposes
    • Children under 12 years are allowed to enter tourist attractions that have used PeduliLindungi application but must be accompanied by parents
    • Odd-even plate number application along the road to and from the location of tourist attractions are applied starting Friday at 12:00 to Sunday at 18.00 local time
  8. Implementation of eating/drinking activities in public places can be carried out with the provisions:
    • Food stalls, street vendors, hawker stalls and the likes are permitted to open with a strict health protocol until 22:00 local time with a number of visitors limited to 75% visitors from the capacity and maximum dining time of 60 minutes with technical arrangements regulated by the Regional Government.
    • Restaurants and cafes located indoors are permitted to serve dine-in with the number of visitors limited to 50% of the maximum capacity and a maximum dining time of 60 minutes.Employees and visitors must use PeduliLindungi mobile app for screening purpose with the next technical arrangement regulated by the local government.
  9. Shopping centers/malls: allowed to open with 100% of maximum capacity & opening hours until 22.00 local time. Children under 12 (twelve) years are allowed to enter but must be accompanied by parents. Visitors must bring their COVID-19 vaccination letter as well as have the PeduliLindungi app installed on their mobile phone upon entering the shopping center.
  10. Implementation of wedding receptions and community celebrations are allowed with the number of visitors limited to 75% (fifty percent) of the maximum capacity of the room


The government is putting their utmost effort in preventing further transmission of COVID-19 through vaccination programs and implementation of health protocols. We kindly ask you to stay safe and protect yourselves and others by practicing safe habits which include social distancing, wearing a mask in public places, and washing hands frequently during the implementation of Level 3, 2, and 1 Community Restrictions (PPKM Level 3, 2, dan 1) across Java - Bali.