Privacy Policy


We would like to welcome you to Indonesia.Travel, the official account of The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia (the “Ministry”). Please read through our privacy policy to ensure you that we value your privacy and the freedom of selectively sharing your valuable information.

In this privacy policy “we”, “us” and “ours” are the references of the Ministry, the owner of Indonesia.Travel Website (the “Website”) and Wonderful Indonesia branding, who also acts as controller of any personal data processed across our digital assets as elaborated below.

The Ministry recognizes, respects, and understands the right to privacy for every individual. Therefore, we must inform you that every action of data collection we take is arranged according to the applicable privacy laws. We only collect your personal data by lawful and fair measures, and we only disclose them to whom the Ministry has a formal and contractual partnership with and/or with due observance of the applicable laws.

Our objective in collecting information is to benefit both parties, namely the Ministry and Website visitors, which ultimately makes your visit feel more comfortable and personal, both on the Website and in real tourism activities in the Republic of Indonesia.

1. Scope

This Privacy Policy applies to all external parties, namely, visitors of the Website and social media pages, subscribers to the Website’s briefings and marketing materials, and any other individual whose personal information may be collected, recorded, organized, structured, stored, adapted or alterated, retrieved, consulted, used, disclosed by transmission, disseminated or otherwise made available, aligned or combinated, restricted, erased or destructed by the Ministry or its partners who is managing the Website under contractual arrangements with the Ministry. This Policy also applies to the Ministry’s management of personal information across all of its offices (inside and outside of the Republic of Indonesia).

How The Ministry Earns and Compiles Your Personal Information
The Ministry collects your personal information only when it is reasonably necessary for or directly related to the provision of information concerning tourism in Indonesia managed by the Ministry. It is a standard practice to collect personal information directly from you when you undertake one of the following:

  1. Provide your personal information by performing one of these actions:
    • Subscribing to a newsletter or registering to receive brochures, E-Book, Maps, and other partners’ kits through the Website;
    • Applying to attend and/or exhibit at an event that involves the Ministry;
    • Entering a promotion, quiz, and/or competition through the Website; and/or
    • Creating and/or offering business deals with/to the Ministry.
  2. Enter and give access to:
    • Cookies
      The Ministry uses cookies to track your vacation preference (such as destinations and itineraries) in Indonesia, so we can give you the best experience and provide more suitable suggestions for your trips. For further details, please visit our Cookies Policy.
    • IP Address
      The Ministry earns and collects your IP address to diagnose any possible problems that might occur on our server.
  3. Engage with Indonesia.Travel Website, Social media on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube:
    • When you follow our accounts, like or love a post, and leave a comment in our accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube, we will be able to see a part of your personal information that you state in your profile or biography.
    • We only use your demographic data provided by social media platforms for analytic purposes, to ensure a better experience for your next engagement.

2. Collection

The Ministry collects personal information only by lawful, fair, and transparent means, where it is reasonably necessary for and/or directly related to the provision of information concerning tourism in Indonesia. It is the standard practice to collect personal informations (including but not limited to: your name, email address, phone number, and residence address) when you deal with the Ministry by phone, letter, email, face-to-face and/or online. You may decide not to provide your personal information to us. If that the case, we may not be able to provide you with access to certain information or services.

Our data collecting process is handled and supervised by licensed experts in data marketing and processing, including protection, security, and publishing. Our experts will always collect them through lawful, fair, and transparent means, in which your most private data will be collected by asking for your consent beforehand.

3. Automated Collection

When you visit the Website, we may use automated technology (such as a usage monitoring software, cookies, and sessions monitoring) to collect and store certain information about your browsing behavior. A cookie is a small portion of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. Cookies helps to remember who you are and can get your subsequent visits to the Website even more personalized and seamless.

4. Personal Information

Types of Personal Information Collected by The Ministry

The types of personal information that the Ministry collects may vary from time to time. It may include your name, contact details, images, your views and opinions about our services, or travel history & information. Here are the details based on your behavior:

If you are a traveler or tourist who opt-in to receive e-newsletters from the Website, the personal data that are going to be collected by the Ministry may consist of: your name, address, email address, age group, and general information regarding your searches and clicks.

If you send a complaint through the Website, the Ministry will then collects your name, email address, and details about the complaint.

If you request a file download for image, video, e-book and all digital assets related, the Ministry will collect your name, email, phone number and country.

All pieces of information that we collect are important to us to make your visit more enjoyable by creating a better web personalization. These information will also be used for research, statistics, reports, and developments of the Ministry website and services.

How the Ministry Uses Your Personal Information

The Ministry will only use and disclose personal information for the very limited purposes of why it was collected in the first place. For example, if you register for our newsletter to receive information about destinations in Indonesia, the Ministry will use your name and email address to send you all the information you may need. Other examples include uses or disclosures for the purpose of:

  • Providing the publications or services you have requested;
  • Marketing communications;
  • Complaint handling; and/or
  • Research and forecasting.

Some of the third parties that may obtain your personal information include external service providers such as IT consultants, professional advisers, publishing houses, marketing/advertising agencies, and business partners with whom the Ministry has a formal contractual relationship with.

The Ministry will not use or disclose your personal information for a purpose other than its prior usage unless you have given your consent.

It is against our policy to sell personal data to any party. The Ministry collect these data solely for the reasons mentioned above, to help our operation, our partners', and to create the best experience for the visitors of our Website. The Ministry only let the above third parties use your personal information as necessary to perform their functions and the Ministry also require them at all times to keep your personal information safe and secure.

Security of Personal Information

The Ministry is fully aware that you want to keep your personal information safe from any intrusion. We take the security of personal information seriously and have implemented a range of physical and electronic security measures to protect your personal information from any unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Security Breach Notice

In an event of a security breach, we will absolutely notify and inform you swiftly, at the maximum of 72 hours after we are aware of this breach. Any individual that becomes a victim of the breach will be, at the very least notified through an email, and informed of their compromised data.

Changes or Updates to Personal Information

If you wish to change the information you have provided because you found that the information is out of date, irrelevant, inaccurate, or incomplete, you can simply update the information by asking us in the contact us page, so we can help you with this matter.

If the Ministry then refuses to give access to correct information as you requested, we will provide you with a reason why in writing. If this does not satisfy you, you could send us back a complaint letter.

Obtaining Your Right to Access Your Personal Data

The Ministry gives you the convenience to know whether or not the personal data concerning you is being processed, where, and for what purpose specifically. You can do this by contacting us (by clicking the button "contact us" in the footer section) and ask for your right to access your personal data. We will then give you a copy of your personal data in an electronic format, free of charge. If we refuse to give you your personal data, we will tell you why in writing.

Deletion of Personal Information (Rights to be Forgotten)

If you ever wish to delete your personal information, it is possible to do so by accessing the contact us page. You will then be provided with a choice to delete your personal data, as well as requesting to halt all data processing to all parties. If your reasons are rejected, we will tell you why in writing. It should also be noted that by withdrawing your consent, we will not be able to provide you with further personalization features and future references.

Period of Data Retention

Our system itself auto resets cookies from time to time, up to 120 days. This automated deletion is done to simply refresh the data so we can gain new insights from our visitors. So any information you provide will only be valid and stored in our data storage for the time mentioned above.

Other Information You Should Know

Even though the Ministry has ensured that the security, integrity, and privacy of personal information submitted to the Website are maintained and handled seriously within the web, you need to be aware of inherent risks associated with the transmission of information via the Internet.

The Ministry cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any personal information you submit via external links operated by third parties to the Website. These links are meant for your convenience only. Links to third party websites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of these websites. Visitors to those websites should refer to their separate privacy policies and practices.

Any changes in the privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and will be notified by email if necessary. If there is any question, comment, or request regarding this privacy policy, you could contact the Ministry through the contact us form provided on this site.

For your convenience, the Ministry makes this Privacy Policy in English and Bahasa Indonesia. In the event any inconsistency and/or discrepencies between the English and Bahasa Indonesia version, the Bahasa Indonesia version shall prevail. You can also find more about this site in the Terms and Conditions section here.